Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dances for Everyone

I have a couple of new stories here and here.  And I have another piece that (I think) is coming out this month, as well as several that will appear in print and online next spring.  All the editors have been absolutely great, and I am so honored to have my work appear in their journals.


I saw a pair of ducks today, in a settling pond enclosed by a fence.  They were swimming together.  Not feeding, not fleeing predators, just swimming over the placid water.  “Shaded, safe, saved,” to quote Thomas Pynchon.

Dances for Everyone

The leaves in the wind
And the ducks on the water
And the kids with their cell phones
And the dogs in their yards
And the clothes on the clotheslines
And Don Carlos on his porch:

Dances for everyone.
Let’s turn up the music.