Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Unsere Sprache ist entweder mechanisch, atomistisch, oder dynamisch. Die echt poetische Sprache soll aber organisch, lebendig sein. Wie oft fühlt man die Armut an Worten, um mehre Ideen mit Einem Schlage zu treffen.                                                                 

Our language is either mechanical, atomistic, or dynamic. But truly poetic language should be organic, alive. How often does one feel the poverty of a words’ ability to express several ideas at once.

                                                                                              --Novalis, Blütenstaub


Here lies the difference between nature and everyday language. Nature is all simultaneity. But everyday language uses lists, plots, beginnings and endings. Poetry must express itself in the manner of nature, implying the interconnectedness of all things, all stories, the visible and the invisible. Things are often metaphors for other things, ideas often metaphors for other ideas, the visible for the invisible, but the connection may not be obvious until it is revealed by poetic language, which (as in the Song of Songs, for example) can even express the transcendent.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, 2022


Sí, ustedes saldrán gozosamente

y serán conducidos en paz;

al paso de ustedes, las montañas y las colinas prorrumpirán en gritos de alegría,

y aplaudirán todos los árboles del campo.

En lugar de zarzas brotarán cipreses,

y mirtos en lugar de ortigas:

esto dará al Señor un gran renombre,

será una señal eterna, que no se borrará.

                              -- Isaías 55:12-13


Yes, in joy you shall go forth,

in peace you shall be brought home;

mountains and hills shall break out in song before you,

all trees of the field shall clap their hands.

In place of the thornbush, the cypress shall grow,

instead of nettles, the myrtle.

This shall be to the Lord’s renown,

as an everlasting sign that shall not fail.  

                            --Isaiah 55:12-13