Saturday, September 17, 2022

Feast of St. Hildegard of Bingen

The hosts of angels praise the good works of humanity and, because of those works, not for one hour, nor for one moment, do they cease from their praise; it sounds forth unceasingly. Now God wants the praise of the angels so that their glory will increase. To him this is pleasing, and in their praise, he wants the angels to make clear and manifest the works of the saints, for the human race is made in the image and likeness of God, and so he wants the angels to praise the works of men and women in his presence. But because the human race is supported by the help of God alone, in the same way also God wishes to be praised by humans and angels together so that their glory may be magnified.

                                                                                                  --St. Hildegard of Bingen

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Two stories

I just want to mention that I have had two stories published recently in wonderful literary magazines with exceptional editorial teams, here and here. I am so pleased to actually see these stories appear on-line (and, in the case of MASKS Literary Magazine, in print as well), and not only because they are in such great venues. These stories are also part of a series of stories that I have written about our neighborhood--its people, places, and mysteries. I love sharing the world of our neighborhood, and I hope you enjoy them as well.