Nicht die Morgenlandfahrer und Glasperlenspieler allein grüßen dich heute in aller Welt, Hermann Hesse. Die Diener des Geistes in aller Welt rufen dir mitsammen einen großen Gruß der Liebe zu. Überall, wo man dem Geist dient, wirst du geliebt.
Hermann Hesse has served the human spirit through the fact that he, as a storyteller, has spoken of the contradiction between spirit and life, and of the conflict of the spirit against itself. In this way he has shed light on the obstacle-laden journey that can lead to a new wholeness and unity. Being the human that he is, being the homo humanus that he is, he has also served by reminding us of the need to honestly and fully reconcile the contradictions of our human nature. It is not only the The League of Journeyers to the East and Glass Bead Players who greet you throughout the entire world today, Hermann Hesse. All of the world’s servants of the spirit together acclaim a grand greeting of love. Everywhere, where one serves the spirit, you are loved.
--Martin Buber, Neue deutsche Hefte, August 1957
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