Sunday, October 16, 2011

Global Day of Action

These are heady days in which we are living.  People are joining together in the struggle against corporate greed and economic inequality.  We are fed up the way that our fellow human beings around the world have been robbed of a chance for a decent life and meaningful work, for health care and security, all to satisfy the desire of a tiny group of people with an insatiable appetite for limitless power and wealth.  Their greed has corrupted our political process and robbed us of democracy.  People are standing fast, with bravery and nonviolence, against brutal repression; and most importantly, there has been a rediscovery, or at least a reimagining in the social realm, of the values of solidarity, trust, and mutual responsibility for one another.  This struggle is being led by the young, who are filled with idealism and a love of freedom.  Yesterday, at an Occupy El Paso event that was part of the Global Day of Action (the official “occupation” starts here Monday), there was the sharing of food (thanks to Food Not Bombs), stories, dreams, and a witnessing to our hopes for a better future.       

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