Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5 (International Day of the Midwife)

In the garden: two American Painted Lady butterflies in a fragile mating dance.  The pomegranates are blooming, and tiny apples and peaches hang from the trees, set to slowly ripen in the days ahead.  Mint and California poppies and rosemary and catnip everywhere.  Lantanas and scabiosas draw the butterflies, who lay their eggs on the lilac (Tiger Swallowtails), orange trees and rue (Giant Swallowtails) and parsley (Black Swallowtails).  Soon the chaste-berry trees and tiny spearmint flowers will also draw the Sleepy Yellows and Western Pygmy-Blues, and the wonderful Western Tailed Blues with their clever, antenna-like decoy tails.  In the garden: fertility and life and beauty.

Happy International Day of the Midwife to my midwife friends everywhere!  May we honor you on this day and always.

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