Sunday, September 2, 2018

A New Foundation

The Abbot Moses asked Abbot Sylvanus, “Can a person lay a new foundation every day?”
The old man said, “If they work hard, they can lay a new foundation at every moment of every day.”
        --Verba Seniorum (The Sayings of the Fathers)

To be renewed by the call of justice and service, by the care that others show us, by the beauty and harmony of nature, to at every moment overcome inertia, our own idle habits, the lack of real faith, the atmosphere of despair and indifference, the cruelty and corruption of those in power--rediscovering the secret at the heart of life: love.  Every moment a new birth, seeing the world with new eyes, leaving wrong and failure, fear and selfishness, behind.  To be transformed, with a new sense of purpose and joy.

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