Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cultural Murder

People all over the world have developed ways of surviving in partly dangerous, partly agreeable surroundings.  The stories they told and the activities they engaged in enriched their lives, protected them and gave them meaning.  The ‘progress of knowledge and civilization’ – as the process of pushing Western ways and values into all corners of the globe is being called – destroyed these wonderful products of human ingenuity and compassion without a single glance in their direction.  ‘Progress of knowledge’ in many places meant killing of minds.  Today old traditions are being revived and people try again to adapt their lives to the ideas of their ancestors.  I have tried to show, by an analysis of the apparently hardest parts of science, the natural sciences, that science, properly understood, has no argument against such a procedure.  There are many scientists who act accordingly.  Physicians, anthropologists and environmentalists are starting to adapt their procedures to the values of the people that they are supposed to advise.  I am not against a science so understood.  Such a science is one of the most wonderful inventions of the human mind.  But I am against ideologies that use the name of science for cultural murder.  
                                                                         --Paul Feyerabend, Against Method

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