I love the moment in Hoffmann’s “Das Majorat” when der Advokat V says, "Vetter, ich weiß nicht, wie mir heute ist, ein ganz besonderes Wohlsein, wie ich es seit vielen Jahren nicht gefühlt, durchdringt mich mit gleichsam elektrischer Wärme. Ich glaube, das verkündet mir einen baldigen Tod." ("Cousin, I do not know how to say what I feel today, a very special well-being, as I have not felt for many years, penetrates me with almost an electric heat. I think that it announces an early death.") The idea that death should be seen as a ripening, and accepted serenely as such—is the key to everything. That death should bring a feeling of warmth, of well-being, instead of cold and fear, is true wisdom, a gift we should all long to possess.
That we have passed from death to life we know
because we love our brothers and sisters.
--1 John 3:14
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